Terms and Conditions

By accessing and using this website the user agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions as set out herein. In the event that the user does not wish to be bound by the terms and conditions contained herein the user shall not be entitled to access this website and shall terminate the connection to this website forthwith;

The user hereby indemnifies the service provider for any loss, damage or liability of any nature whatsoever which the service provider, its representatives, employees, agents may suffer due to the use of the service provider’s products or the use of this website;

The user shall not be entitled to duplicate, search and gain information, link this website to another without the service providers written consent and approval. Furthermore the user shall have no right of any nature whatsoever to the intellectual property of the service provider, including the use of the registered name “Totally Nuts” as a business name or in any other manner whatsoever;

The service provider its employees, directors, partners, affiliates and agents and does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the content of this website in any way whatsoever. Furthermore the service provider, its employees, directors, partners, affiliates and agents will not be liable for any loss, damage or liability of any nature whatsoever incurred by whoever as a result of any action or omission of the service provider in terms of the content or use of this website. The information contained in this website is provided in an informative manner and should not be construed to be advice from the service provider in any way. The laws of the Republic of South Africa shall apply when interpreting this agreement.

NB: All our products contain nuts – so please exercise the necessary caution.